A geological patchwork of rocks !

« Brittany, a land of granite covered with oak », wrote an explorer. The Pays de Redon illustrates this adage perfectly…only to contradict it a few kilometres further on !

Granite, sandstone and shale are everywhere – in the attractive walls of historic villages, from charming little cottages to stately manor houses, along the Roman Way at Conquereuil or Beslé-Langon, in the cliffs at the Ile aux Pies, on promontories high above valleys, the lime kiln at Avessac, in locks, and at the Cirque des Lises valley in St Jean-la-Poterie…
Run your eyes and hands over the slate sides of wash pools and the blocks of white quartz of the Demoiselles standing stones or at Gwen Menez as you stroll along the Moulin de Quip discovery trail or while hiking or mountain-biking along the many paths and tracks in the area.